Discover how ADA uses consumer and data-driven insights to help understand demographic profiles and personas, enabling acquisition of potential target groups.
The Challenge
A prominent Japanese real estate company aimed to expand their roots in Vietnam to build a luxury mall in Hanoi. To drive the decision-making process in developing the new shopping complex, the client turned to ADA to understand data-driven insights and deep dive into their most important questions:
- Who and where are the affluent shoppers located?
- When are they shopping?
- What are the key interests and behaviour patterns of shoppers in Hanoi, Vietnam?
The Strategy
- Derive insights from XACT, ADA’s proprietary DMP
We presented clear and comprehensive insights which allow the client to understand the demographic profile and persona of the consumers of interest.
- Comparison analysis
Five competitor malls were selected based on consumer footfall and existing retailers and online sentiments, to feed into their own strategic decision-making processes.
- Gather key information
We discovered the distribution, density, the cross-visitation, and travel patterns of visitors to competing malls. Then we built a customer profile and persona of highly affluent visitors to develop the client's brand and high priority segments.
- Formulate a precise plan
We planned accordingly for the client's tenancy mix and merchant partnership in all their existing and future malls.
The Execution
- Consumer Profiler Dashboard
We identified the density of visitors at different malls during specific times of day. Home and work locations were identified to visualise only visitors of interest (region of origin), with demographic filters such as age group, gender, and affluence level applied.
- The Insights: Target Market & Competitors
The insights were broken down into two sections. The first section covers an overview of each of the affluent tiers through demographic and psychographic comparison. The second section involves diving into the five selected competitor malls.
- Spatial and temporal changes of audience mobility and digital footprints
ADA tracked and analysed pre-COVID vs. post-COVID movement restriction patterns to forecast future consumer behaviour in selected points of interest. With a deep understanding of competitors’ value propositions, they can make strategic decisions to garner reach and maintain their competitive edge.
The Results
- The client obtained a comprehensive overview of the top 10% (high affluence) of the Hanoi province population to be the potential target audience.
- In addition, key consumer profile, persona of high-end mall visitors, key district (region) of interest, and the right tenant mix were identified to support the client’s strategic development goals