사례 연구

ADA conquers the market for a gaming chair brand with 2.5x GMV growth

Branded eCommerce
Data & AI
Digital Commerce

Learn the 3 game-changing strategies by ADA for a Singaporean gaming chair brand to conquer Indonesian market & increase sales on Tokopedia and Shopee.

The Challenge

A Singapore-based gaming chair manufacturer sought to expand its reach by entering the Indonesian market and entrusted ADA with the tasks to raise awareness and engage with potential customers. To achieve this, we decided to sell the gaming chair on two leading eCommerce platforms, Tokopedia and Shopee. However, the challenge of selling a high-end gaming chair in Indonesia is formidable, given the dominance of more affordable brands and the non-primary utility niche market. Nonetheless, we are determined to succeed by crafting a well-conceived strategy that capitalises on the market's potential. With the right approach, this endeavour has the potential to be a game-changing opportunity for our client.

The Strategy

  1. Conquering a new market via insights

First, to understand the customers and customer journey, we observed and analysed how brands delivered a competitive advantage in the market previously.

  1. Understanding customers’ wants and needs

We gathered feedback and ratings for the products, which gave us an overview of consumers’ sentiments. Then, we refined the products and services to meet our customers’ expectations. Positive reviews and ratings propel the brand's image and showcase its gaming chairs in the best light possible.

  1. Launching promotional campaigns

To promote our gaming chairs, we participated in over 200 brand and platform-initiated campaigns that align with the brand's product and personality.

The Execution

  1. Crafting an effective strategy that drives growth

With data, we crafted a customised on-site niche marketing strategy that optimises growth. Since the brand is selling gaming chairs on two giant eCommerce platforms, we assisted them in observing potential buyers, their preferences, and purchase patterns on each platform.

  1. Experimenting with multiple variables

We conducted A/B testing during the campaigns to identify which messaging strategies work best, the best time to drive sales, and the type of promotions that attract customers best.

  1. Capturing potential new segments

ADA collaborated and partnered with other brands to capture new segments while considering price discrimination in each region. This approach helped our client to tap into new market opportunities, build a broader customer base, and enhance brand awareness.

The Results

  • 2.5x GMV uplift compared to the set benchmark
  • Rank 1st gaming chair in Indonesia
  • 245% market coverage

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